Glide Apps NoCode Platform

Glide Apps NoCode Platform is a website used to develop simple apps for your business using Google sheets without writing any code. It will take only 5 minutes. It may probably take more than 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes but not as long as programming to develop an app.
To build your app on the Glide Apps NoCode Platform, all you need is just an account in Glideapps. Also, it needs an account on Google Drive to utilize Google Sheets and the most important little time.
Glide Apps NoCode Platform has the ability to meet the needs of most of the people’s needs and requirements. It also enables you to share your apps all over the world. Glide Apps has the option of a free account. You can register free to develop applications.
Glide Apps NoCode Platform possesses some features that show how reliable and efficient it is. Also what makes it different from others is shown by these features. Let us move to the detail information.
Design Space
This feature is significant for designers. The simple design of Glide Apps allows designers to read quotes od design, heuristic evaluation list, and accessing the UX laws for interfaces anywhere and anytime.
Design Quotes
This feature enables designers to read the design quotes for getting inspired daily. Also, they abe able to add their own personal design quotes in the application. Glide Apps keeps on inspiring the designers to develop new as well as existing design quotes.
UX Laws
Laws of UX are very significant for each UX designer and they must get a way of accessing them easily. So Glide Apps provides a list of UX laws that is accessed by every designer. If designers want to add their own designs, they can.
Heuristic Examination for UI
Glide Apps provides you 10 heuristic evaluation points for the user interface. It is because Glide Apps believes that every designer should use this list. These quotes are simple, fun and easy-to-use.
Data rows
You need to have a knowledge of the Google Spreadsheet document consisting of the data rows you would wish to display in your application. Glide Apps allows you to add data rows of your choice in your application. Once you get familiar with the Google Spreadsheet, you can easily add data rows according to your needs and expectations in your app.
Glide Apps provides some free apps. It provides unlimited apps. Its storage contains 500 data row, 100 MB storage place, In-app purchases (10% fee) as well as branding of Glide. You can get started the Pro version at $29 per app per month. It also possesses an annual payment method. You just need to share a link to the App Store and Google Play.
Custom Domain
A custom domain is an exclusive branded name that recognizes a website. It is also called vanity URLs that appear in the address bar on the top of every browser. DNS enables you to possess branded custom domains joined to the websites. You are allowed to use a custom domain in Glide Apps easily using DNS.
Promoting your brand
Glide Apps allows you to build efficient apps for your business. Also, you can promote your brand by launching the app in the App Store or Google Play Store. You just need to share a link to your app of the App Store and Google Play Store. It allows you to take your app to the next level by providing data rows and storage facilities.
In-app purchases
In-app purchase is a fee more than the initial cost of downloading the app. An app may ask that fee while downloading the app. Many times, it is optional and needs users to sign up and pay the fees to utilize the app after the initial free trial.
Background Refresh
You can tell Glide Apps to refresh the data from your spreadsheet periodically to refresh the background. It doesn’t matter whether the manual edit is present or not. So using this formula will help you to keep your app up-to-date. This is one of the most important features provided by Glide Apps.
Access Control
This includes email access control. Your app needs to use Public email or email whitelist sign-in alternatives for filtering per user. Glide will then utilize the email address of the existing user to filter the data. You need to select one of your sheets to locate those emails. You can access your emails in the app from anywhere and anytime.
Map Pins
At the time when your sheet possesses addresses, geocoding is needed to be done. The process of looking towards co-ordinates before placing the pin on the map is called as the geocoding. Glide Apps contains 1,000 map pins to place on the map after checking the coordinates.
G Suite Shared Devices
G Suite apps allow you to access the G Suite apps that can be used directly by your enterprise and mobile device by developing mail lists forums, sharing files with team members, groups, and sites. Glide Apps platform generates apps that are compatible with G Suite Shared devices and mobile, tablets, etc.
No requirement of coding
Glide apps allow you to build interactive apps without having coding skills or programming knowledge. Any person without a technical background can easily develop applications. Even a non-programmer can become a successful citizen developer or a business user. In short, Glide Apps serve both non-programmers as well as programmers. Glide Apps saves energy, time and money of a business user as it does not require to appoint an individual coding professional person to develop the apps.
These are some of the features of the Glide Apps NoCode platform. Due to these functionalities, Glide Apps is one of the exclusive, reliable, and efficient platforms to build apps for an individual or an organization. Here is a list of application examples built using the Glide Apps NoCode Platform platform.
Thus, if you are seeking for a correct no-code platform to start your career as a business user, Glide Apps is at your service. It will serve you even if you are without a technical background.