NoCode Vs LowCode
By Name you can directly understand that NoCode required no amount of knowledge or Experience in writing code and LowCode Applications requires you some effort or knowledge on Writing code or Any of the technologies.
LowCode and NoCode development platforms promise to help developers create applications with greater efficiency, thus, increasing productivity.
One year ago with NoCode it was very difficult to develop complex web applications but as the NoCode applications are developing faster we have many platforms where you can develop complex software applications like Quixy.
What ever platform you use, If the developer has logical skills and knows the business process he can develop quickly and effectively.
When coming to Integration with 3rd party websites. Even the developers with traditional web development are opting to use Platforms like Zapier to automate their Integrations. So Integrations can also be done through LowCode and NoCode. With NoCode you may not achieve all kinds of integrations as of now, but at the pace these platforms are developing very soon you will be able to integrate with any application.
Low-Code vs No-Code Platforms
Low-Code | No-Code | |
Users | Developers | Business Users |
Objective | Speed of Development | Ease of Use |
Coding | Low | No Coding |
Customization | Total customization available | Limited |
Platform Lock-in | Free to move between platforms | locked into the same platform |
Complexity | Complex | Easier to Create Simple Apps. It Takes effort to create Complex Apps |