Maintenance of Applications built by NoCode Platforms

“Maintenance is the next step of development!!!”
Maintenance of application is a fundamental element of the Application Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Its main objective is to update, modify, and review the application software consistently. Maintenance is very essential to mend errors and faults. It increases efficiency and enhances the performance of the application after its deployment. It includes updating, modifying, monitoring, troubleshooting and boosting the application system.
- Why Application Maintenance is the most important thing?
Every application software needs maintenance to work efficiently. As developing any system is important, maintaining it is equally important. It preserves solutions vigorously to deal with evolving technology and business development. It proposes technical enhancements almost daily improving solution efficiency to conduct business operations.
- What are the characteristics of application maintenance?
It has the following characteristics.
- Rectify defect
- Advance the design
- Achieve the improvements
- Harmonize with other systems
- Making room so that various hardware, software, telecommunications, and system features ability could be used
- Emigrate legacy software
- Relinquish software
Applications created with no-code platforms are more pliable and takes comparatively less time. Beneficial tools and the auto-compiling and creation of code support app development, testing and delivery more rapid and easy when utilizing no-code platforms. No-code platforms provide user-friendly UI and components that help app development and fixing errors more easily.
Applications developed by using No-code platforms require regular maintenance. They need to be maintained well as they are developed without writing code. Maintenance like updating could be carried out within just a few clicks.
- Changes in Requirements

Requirements management is the process of recording, interpreting, tracing, computing and agreeing on requirements and then regulating changes and interacting with relevant collaborators. A requirement is a competence to which a project conclusion (product or service) should integrate.
Steps to manage change requests in applications built using no-code platforms.
When you work on any project, expect change. When you create an application using no- code, be prepared to handle changes in the requirements of the stakeholders. If those change requirements are not managed in an appropriate way, negative impacts may be seen in an organization. There are some steps for managing requirement change requests.
- Decide the scope of change
The initial and important step needs to be considered is the exact scope of the change request is. A change request may be related to the stakeholders, business, or functional requirements. This step seems like inventing new requirements for the project in the preference. You’d have to include all jolt collaborators in evoking the requirements of the change, determining those requirements, and then authenticate them.
Along with recognizing what the change is, you’d have to recognize the benefit of doing change or the business need compelling the change as well. This will assist your change approval team to analyze whether the proposed change worth the efforts or not. Before submitting the change request for approval, you’d have to undertake what it will take to apply the change.
- Examine the Scope of Including the Change
Once you undertake the proposed change and it’s important, your project team will have to devise a response to the proposed change. This usually means recognizing the impact of the change on the technical design and schedule of the project, placing together a high-level performance plan, and examining the level of effort required to make the change.
Sometimes there are numerous options for including the change. For an instant, one way could be to the agreement the change for a low-priority requirement and not brunt the schedule or scope. Another approach could include deferment to the schedule and a boosted budget, but keep the original scope flawless.
During this, multiple business users are involved to calculate the payment and solution approaches. The target of this step is to provide the information about your change that the approval team required to make a fixed decision about the change has to be approved or not.
- Achieve Approval or Rejection of the Change
With the scope and advantages of the change, and information about what is needed to execute the change in hand. The change request form is apt to present the change to the approval team. Remember one thing; most of the companies have different levels of approvals.
- The primary business sponsor might approve a change that needed an hour of work.
- A change that needs a week of work might be approved by a mid-level management team who can empower changes that have smaller impacts on other projects.
- A change that needs a month or more of work might be approved by the executive level due to its impacts on organizational initiatives.
- Communicate and execute an Approved Change
Once your change request is certified, the project team requires being advised and project outputs required to be modified. The formal change notification process facilitates these updates and modifications. The project manager or business analyst informs the project team of the modification and every single proprietor involves the proper adjustments into their outputs.
- Adding Functionality

While adding functionality to your app built using no-code platforms, you’d have to create Master Pages, overlays, and tie hotspots to link components together. Master Pages are built from your project overview page, and you can link them to other pages innards of your editor. For instance, if you want to add a menu bar used by numerous pages in your app, you’d have to build a new Master Page known “Header”, and then refer it from the Page information panel in your editor.
Overlays are how you’d build navigational components, such as menus. Master Page is created to create an overlay. You’d have to set the background to transparent and select the “show as overlay” page in your editor.
Adding other pages to new overlay works in a similar way as the new Master Page. You’d create another page in one of your parts, and refer your new overlay in the Page Information panel. Lastly, you’d have to use the hotspot and add touch allowed areas in your app that are linked to external resources and pages.