Comindware NoCode Platform

Comindware NoCode Platform is a state of the collaborative Art management solution. However, you can get exceptional predictability and productivity. Besides, it enhances your real-time Project Management solution.
Comindware NoCode Platform provides you predictive real-time Gannt Chart and automated Priority-based scheduling. Additionally, this helps you improve your real-time experience.
Comindware NoCode Platform associate with the project team. However, it is created at the top of the Comindware Team Network Platform. In addition to this, Comindware offers you exceptional collaboration abilities for your projects.
Comindware NoCode Platform has the most effective collaboration and implementation capabilities. However, it dramatically modifies your project management experience and enhances team productivity and satisfaction.
Comindware NoCode Platform possesses many features and functions. Some of the unique features are given below in brief.
Features of Comindware NoCode Platform
Automated Priority-based scheduling
Automated priority-based planning includes planning, assigning tasks and deciding priorities. This can be accomplished using a simple drag-and-drop interface. In addition to this, Comindware grants automated project plan evaluations. You can define your priorities by the tasks up and down. At the same time, Comindware will automatically build a project plan for you.
Real-time and Predictive Gannt-chart
Comindware allows you to get real-time Gannt-chart for staying on track of project status. Also, it rescheduled the delayed work to inform you about the real milestones of projects and their deadlines. Besides, it assures you of the accurate ETA calculations. These predictive charts update the real-time and current status of the projects. This grants managers a realistic and authentic view of the pre-determined deadlines before their dues.
Allocation of resources
Comindware looks after the work out of the planning and allocation of the resources. It is carried out by automating the process of avoiding resource conflicts. The allocation of resources is done automatically. Comindware grants you with the tools for resolving the conflicts regarding resources. It allocates specific resources to the specifies projects.
Collaboration of team
Comindware provides you the exceptional collaboration abilities in the terms of your projects. You should be thanking and grateful to the team network of the Comindware. Also, it offers collaboration on project tasks on relevant activities. It exceeds the scope of the project tasks. It includes product launching, supportive collateral view, and many more.
Visual User Interface
The user interface is the design field of computer-human communication. Comindware provides your user interface with visual components across the devices. When the user interface interacts with humans, it avoids ambiguity by its clear flow, language, hierarchy, and metaphors.
Microsoft Outlook
Now, Comindware is able to collaborate with Microsoft Outlook. The tasks in the Comindware Tracker workflows automatically moves to the Outlook list. Hence you enjoy all the benefits of associative and automated workflow. The tasks in the Comindware Tracker are available immediately for MS Outlook.
Project reports and Timesheet
Comindware offers an entirely professional association and project management system. You can use timesheets for internal as well as project reporting. Comindware plans projects utilizing the automated environment. Once you get operational timesheets, you can run reports by selecting Project Management Software with Timesheet Reports.
Configurable Reports
Comindware possesses a configurable report creation facility. This assures you to make timely decisions. Comindware Tracker makes business process management advantages entirely available for you. Comindware enables you to develop custom search accounts, profiles, and configurable reports. It also allows you to look after the business analytics and insights.
Project Visibility
There is a large variety of workflow management applications on Comindware. It puts Excel spreadsheets on the resigned list to gain full real-time visibility. Comindware helps you to improve your business and make it more efficient. Everyone in an organization struggles to gain real-time visibility and enhanced efficiency. Also, it simplifies the BPM by increasing real-time visibility.
Task Management
The task management in Comindware grants you the complete collaboration abilities for teams. It includes group discussions, tasks, and document sharing. As the tasks and conversations are entirely searchable, it ensures the easy retrieval of the full activity context.
Associative Planning
Association without a correct tool can be difficult to achieve. Comindware team network provides you a collaborative work environment within the system. Comindware favors team association and communication to a new level. Workflow management and association tools add a large amount of transparency to their research and consultation process.
Mobile App development
Comindware is beneficial for Mobile applications API for mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Comindware’s iOS offers mobile Project Management software for Apple devices and iPhones. This includes mobile applications like online payment optimization, bookings, etc.
Documentation and discussion
Comindware allows you to share, store and discuss all your projects in an efficient way. It contains documents regarding the Comindware solution. You can easily begin a new document by using this feature of Comindware. This discussion allows you to enhance the processes of importing spreadsheets and other documents from outside services.
Actionable Gantt Chart
This is one of the beneficial features of Comindware. Comindware is an in-built predictive Gannt Chart that reveals you to your audience. It is not restricted and limited to a single person or computer, email inbox, or messenger. You can reach the maximum audience with additional efficiency. It provides you actionable insights into your projects.
Importing project plans
Comindware grants you the automatic project plan calculations. This makes it easy to import Microsoft Project plans. You can import the projects within a few clicks. You will get a project plan automatically.
Calendars of multi-work
Comindware looks after the planning and allocating resources. It possesses multi-work calendars or schedulers to get your tasks done on time. You are able to do work done on the resource workload and the calendar of the work.
These are the significant features of the Comindware. You can develop high quality and efficient applications using Comindware no-code application platforms. Here is a list of examples built by the Comindware NoCode application development platform.
You can choose the Comindware NoCode Platform to develop your own apps without having to appoint a professional for it. It saves your time, money as well as energy. So join Comindware and enjoy developing apps.